Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's what the people want!!! Or Is It?

Why did Congress decide to stuff down the throats of the American people, errrr, I mean vote to pass the health care bill? This was basically the Senate version of the bill, but with some portions to be amended later as I understand it with the reconciliation bill.


Because the American People wanted it. Didn't we? Didn't You? Well at least 34% were either for it or undecided, according to the latest figures. Only 76% were definitely against it.


Because it was for the benefit of the American people, who are obviously too stupid to know what is good for them, and how much we need the Federal Government to take care of us. Sort of like the socialized governments of Great Britain, Russia, France, Greece, Spain, Italy. You see they far surpass us in so many areas. For Example: Some of the Canadian politicians care so much about their people that they come to the USA to get major medical care, so as not to over burden their own system.

The Rev. (for lack of a more acceptable title) Al Sharpton, said that the people of American voted in Socialism when they voted for Obama for President. Too bad those that voted for Obama didn't know that at the time.

The socialist regime in D.C. has not even finished doing their victory dance over the health care bill, and they are already working to reform the Illegal Immigration problem. How will they solve it? The solution will be clouded by all sorts of reform names, but basically it will be one gigantic amnesty program.

Ever wonder why Obama could say with such conviction that no illegals would be covered by the new health care reform? Because after a few more sessions of congress, there will be no illegal aliens. They will all be legal. This mentality has already brought California to bankruptcy, they just haven't admitted it yet. It won't be long before the Federal Govt. will follow the same path of insanity.

I don't pretend to understand most of this stuff, do yourselves a favor and record a few episodes of Glenn Beck on Fox News, and listen to what he and many of his learned guests have to say. You will be amazed, and probably get really bent out of shape, if you care about what is being done to our country and our way of life.

The state of Massachusetts has been operating their own state run version of Obama Care since 2006. The Massachusetts health care reform law was enacted in 2006. It requires nearly every resident of Massachusetts to obtain health insurance coverage. The Treasurer of Mass. was on TV the other day saying that their health care program is the model for the Federal program, and is going to ruin the state of Mass. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, also called for the bill to be repealed, in spite of the comparisons often made between the Democrats' health care plan and Romney's Massachusetts health care plan.

Socialism cannot make everyone wealthy, if can only make the poor somewhat better off, while destroying the wealthy who provide jobs for the poor. The official number of poor in the US in 2008 is 39.1 million people, greater in number than the officially poor in Indonesia.

How many of you would like to go live in Indonesia a be a middle class citizen there? A few years of Obama care, and it might be looking pretty good. Eh?

Your comments are most welcome.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Part Of My Confusion

It's been a few months since my first post which was read by only a handful of people anyway, so just to keep from being seen as a quitter, I decided to post another blurb, or is it blog? As time goes by, and depending on the amount of interest or lack thereof, there may or may not be a theme or at least some sort of cohesion to my ramblings. If so I invite you to comment either pro or con, on not only the subject matter in general, but any particular issues you may have with my comments.

As far as this particular post, I'd like to put forth a question and get your response. The question today is as follows;Is God pleased with the direction that our country is heading, politically, morally, spiritually etc.The reason I ask is because I sometimes get confused as to how God wants us to react to the various situations that life brings upon us as a society.

When I was growing up, things were pretty clear, more black and white one might say. I pretty much knew what was right and wrong based upon what my elders taught me. As I matured into a well rounded teenager, things became less clear. Some things I had to decide for myself, taking into account the opinions and knowledge of others both my age, and the aforementioned elders.

Major issues were pressing upon the world, that called for a stance to be taken. Granted some of these things already existed, but I had not become aware of them prior to my well "roundedness". One such item should be easy.

Drugs... Definitely a bad thing, we all know that drug addicts are terrible people who will do anything and everything to get their fix. Their world is primarily composed of thieves, prostitutes, thugs, rascals, and other degenerate types. Whereas Alcohol, is legal and socially acceptable, except in some religious circles. We call these people Alcoholics rather than addicts.

One definition for addiction is;

Drug addiction is a pathological or abnormal condition which arises due to frequent drug use. The disorder of addiction involves the progression of acute drug use to the development of drug-seeking behavior, the vulnerability to relapse, and the decreased, slowed ability to respond to naturally rewarding stimuli.

Man that's bad, how could anyone do that to themselves. My buddies and I used to talk about deep issues like this, while having a few beers, or shots or a fifth or two. We could never understand potheads, addicts, and the like. Some of my buddies were probably alcoholics, but at least they weren't drug addicts. I ran across this little item recently that sorta confused me though.

Alcoholism has multiple and conflicting definitions. In common and historic usage, alcoholism is any condition that results in the continued consumption of alcoholic beverages, despite health problems and negative social consequences. Modern medical definitions[1] describe alcoholism as a disease and addiction which results in a persistent use of alcohol despite negative consequences.

Maybe you can see where my confusion lies. I don't pretend to have any answers to these very deep and complicated issues, but to me it seems that one is about as bad as the other. Maybe someone can enlighten me as to how one is not as bad as the other, or why one is legal and the other for the most part is not. You can see how easy it is to get confused. Maybe what we need is a good overall healthcare plan that will treat both conditions equally. Tobacco is another issue, but given the current political climate concerning smoking and or smokers, I doubt that the proposed healthcare plan up before congress will offer as much compassion for that issue as opposed to the drug or alcohol issue.

Let me know what you think.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Common Sense

A wise man once said, if common sense were so common, more people would have it. I have to disagree with this sentiment to some minor degree. I think that most people have basic common sense. I also think that our ability to make decisions using our basic common sense has been thwarted by an innumerable collection of factors.

Jealousy, greed, fear, and a slough of random emotions that keep us constantly second guessing ourselves as to what we should do. For instance have you ever found yourself wanting to buy a new something or other? A new car, boat, guitar, clothes and the list goes on depending upon your own wants, needs and desires.

Sometimes the initial urge to buy that new something or other is almost overpowering. You grab 10 of them off the shelf just because they are on sale. You've never used the product before, but you think you might like it.

Your common sense kicks in and says "You have six similar ones at home still unopened." and you grudgingly put them back on the shelf and walk away. About ten feet down the aisle you find something else and get all excited about that.

Sound familiar? We have all been in that position. It happens to me in music stores, I ooh and awe and touch and feel and fantasize about something until my common sense kicks in. Then I usually go home with the set of guitar strings that I came in for instead of the new guitar I got all excited about.

Common sense is often quieted by a need for instant gratification. I want it now.... I need it now... I have to have it now.... So you buy it even though you don't really know why, then you take it home put on the shelf or in a box or hide it under the sink, and forget about it for about ten years.

There is a common term used often called "buyers remorse". That means someone bought something they thought they had to have, only to get home and decide that they really shouldn't have purchased it. Then they come up with reasons that seem to justify to themselves that they were ripped off, or "Sold" something they really didn't want. When all along, their common sense was telling them that they really didn't need a new computer, or a new guitar, or a new something or other.

We all possess a certain amount of common sense, maybe if we use it once in awhile, our lives would be so much better.